Friday, January 14, 2022

Summary & Question-answers of The Chapter : 9-What Happened to the Reptiles with the concerned video

What happened to the Reptiles Summary
This lesson is a story of religious harmony depicted through reptiles who lived in the village of Pambupatti and retold by an old man to a boy named Prem who suffered religious riots in his village and while running to save his life reached Pambupatti. Prem, the narrator of the story was so scared of the riot incident that he was not willing to go back to the place. An old man shared the story of Pambupatti to change his mind.Pambupatti was the land ruled and lived by reptiles alone. Makara was the crocodile who ruled the forest. He was the most powerful amongst all and was the biggest in size. One day, Makara held a meeting of the reptiles, misusing his power told the tortoises to leave the forest as they were stupid and slow.After a few months, he repeated the order for snakes to leave the forest. Gradually, he told every animal to leave the forest except crocodiles. No one could ever dare to go against his orders and question him. After some time all the animals left. Consequently, very weird things started happening in the forest. The forest was full of foul smell and the rats and insects started coming out. Seeing the plight of the jungle, other crocodiles made a decision to call back all the animals of the forest .All the animals came back and the forest was back to normal again.Hearing this , Prem changed his mind and thought of going back to his village and sharing all this with his people to help them have a better perspective of living together in harmony and to understand the unique role of each person in the society.
Page No 42:
Question 1:
In what way is Pambupatti different from any other village?
Pambupatti was different from other villages because many kinds of people lived there—dark, fair, tall, short. They spoke many languages. Some ate meat, some did not. Some prayed in a small temple at the edge of the forest. Others prayed in a mosque some miles away.
Question 2:
Why is Prem determined not to return to his village?
Prem was determined never to return to his village because he burned with shame at the hate and violence in his village.
Question 3:
Why did Makara dislike tortoises, snakes and lizards? Write a line about each.
Makara disliked tortoises because he thought they were slow and stupid, and they carried their houses on their backs. He disliked snakes because according to him they were slimy and made funny noises. The reason he disliked lizards was because they had the strangest habits and some of them even changed colours.
Question 4:
What went wrong when the tortoises, snakes and lizards left the forest?
When the tortoises, snakes and lizards left the forest, everything went wrong. Awful things began to happen. The dead bodies of animals started rotting, and the smell of rot spread all over the forest. The rats grew bolder by the day. The frogs grew bigger and started eating the baby crocodiles. The insects were there in millions, and they were growing bigger and nastier by the day.
Question 5:
Why do you think Prem wants to tell the story of the reptiles to the people of his village?
Prem wanted to tell the story of the reptiles to the people of his village so that they would realize their mistake. He wanted them to stop hating each other and put an end to the violence.

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