Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Summary & Question-answers of The Poem:4- Where do all the Teachers Go ? with the concerned video


For young kids, a teacher is an extraordinary special person.

It is difficult for a small child to accept that a teacher is also any common man or woman living around him. The child wonders and questions if teachers also behave like other people, If they also do all the work or things, other people do? Like do they live in houses, do they wear pyjamas (clothes), wash socks or watch T.V? Do they also have parents and children to live with? All these questions bother a child’s mind and out of curiosity, one day the child decides to follow his teachers to keep a check  and to write a poem about them  so that the teachers read that poem to their students.It shows the cuteness, purity, curiosity and dilemma a young mind has for his teachers. It also shows their expectations.

Answer these questions.

(i) Why does the poet want to know where the teachers go at four o’clock

A. The poet wants to know this because he has a curiosity to know if his teachers are also ordinary human bein

(ii) What are the things normal people do that the poet talks about

A. The  things done by normal people are: wearing clothes,wasting time,losing religious books,stealing chocolates,having parents and children,washing clothes,watching TV set.

(iii) What does he imagine abou

(a) where teachers live

(b) what they do at home

(c) the people with whom they live

(d) their activities when they were children in school

A.He imagines if the teachers live in house

He imagines if they also wash their clothes and watch TV at home

He imagines if they also have parents and children to live with them

He imagines if they also did mischiefs and were punished

(iv) Why does the poet wonder if teachers also do things that other people do

A.He wonders because his tender mind considers teacher as a superbeing or God like creatur

(v) How does the poet plan to find out? What will he do once he finds out

A. The poet plans to find out whether teachers are ordinary human beings by spying or following them on their way home after school hours.Once he finds out, he will write a poe

2. What do you think these phrases from the poem mean

(i) punished in the corner (ii) leave their green

A.(i) punished in the corner means to get punishment after doing a mischi

(ii) leave their greens means to not to eat green vegetables?

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