Monday, June 21, 2021

Summary & Question-answers of The Chapter: 3-Taro's Reward with the concerned video


Taro, a young wood cutter lived on a lonely hillside with his parents. He worked very hard but could not earn enough to give his parents everything they needed.

One evening, a cold strong wind started blowing and everyone felt very cold. Taro’s old father wished for a hot cup of sake’. Taro became very sad because he could not afford the drink as it was quite expensive. So he decided to work harder and earn more money to fulfil his father’s wish.

Next morning he got up early and set out to work. He chopped and cut a lot of wood the whole day without resting. He felt very tired and thirsty. Suddenly he heard the sound of rushing water. As he was thirsty, he ran towards the sound although he knew there was no stream or waterfall nearby. To his surprise he saw a beautiful waterfall. He took a sip of the water and it tasted like sake.

Taro quickly filled his pitcher with that water and took it home. His father also drank it and found it heart warming and tasty like sake. He also offered it to an old lady who had come to visit them and also told her the story of the magic waterfall. Soon the news spread throughout the neighbourhood.

Next morning again Taro set out to work early but, on reaching the forest he found a long queue of people who were filling their pitchers. They were soon disappointed because the water did not taste like ‘sake’. It was plain water. They all were looking for Taro so that they could drown him in the waterfall for cheating them. Taro hid behind a rock and saved himself. When the villagers left the place, Taro came out of hiding place and again tasted the water. To him it again tasted as heart warming and delicious as sake.

The story of Taro and the magical fountain reached the king of Japan. The king rewarded Taro for being good and kind to his parents. He named the most beautiful fountain after Taro. The king also wanted all children to love, respect and obey their parents.                                                 Working with the text (Page 34-35)

1. Answer the following questions.

Question 1:

Why did Taro run in the direction of the stream? (5)


Taro ran in the direction of the stream because he was very thirsty. He had never seen a rushing stream or heard the sound of falling water in that part of the forest.

Question 2:

How did Taro’s father show his happiness after drinking saké? (7)


Taro’s father was so delighted with the saké that when he swallowed a sip of the liquid, he stopped shivering and became energetic and did a little dance in the middle of the floor.

Question 3:

Why did the waterfall give Taro saké and others water? (12)


The waterfall gave Taro saké and others water because Taro was a very thoughtful and dutiful son to his parents. He used to serve his parents with dedication and sincerity. The saké from the waterfall was a reward for his goodness. On the other hand, the people of his village got plain water because they were greedy.

Question 4:

Why did the villagers want to drown Taro? (10, 11)


When the villagers went to the waterfall with big pitchers and vessels to collect saké, they simply got plain water from the waterfall. They thought that Taro had fooled and tricked them. Hence, they decided to punish him by drowning him in the same waterfall.

Question 5:

Why did the Emperor reward Taro? (13)


Taro was a very dutiful son to his parents and served them with devotion. The Emperor rewarded him with twenty pieces of gold for having been so good and kind to his parents. He also named the fountain after Taro. Through this reward, the Emperor declared Taro as a role model for all children and wanted to encourage all of them to love, honour and obey their parents.

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