Monday, April 19, 2021

Summary & Question-answers of The Chapter: 2- How the Dog Found Himself a New Master with the concerned video

How the Dog Found Himself a New Master Summary

In olden times, dogs, just like wolves were forest dwellers. They were bold, free and were not afraid of anyone. They were their own masters. Then one day, a dog who was sick and was scared of other stronger animals decided to look for a master who was the strongest on this earth.

To find his master, he began his search and first of all, he met a big wolf. He asked him if he would like to be his master. The wolf accepted him as a servant. Both of them started walking and on the way they met a bear. The wolf tried to hide himself as soon as he noticed the bear.

On enquiring the reason, the dog came to know that the wolf considered the bear to be stronger than him. On this, the dog left him and joined the bear. Very soon, the dog found that the bear was afraid of the lion. The dog immediately left him and went to the lion. The lion agreed to accept him as his servant. The dog lived with him happily for a long time as he enjoyed a secure and happy life, the way he wanted.The lion was the strongest animal in the forest. Once, both of them were strolling amongst the rocks on a narrow path. Suddenly, the lion saw a man and he asked the dog to run away with him to avoid any trouble.

As soon as the dog realized that man was the strongest creature on the earth, he bid adieu to the lion as well.

Dog came to man as his servant and lived as a faithful servant to him then after.

1. Why did the dog feel the need for a master?

A.The dog was sick of searching for food and was afraid of stronger beasts. So he felt the need for a master who could keep him safe and secure.

 2. Who did he first choose as his master? Why did he leave that master?

A.He first chose the wolf as his master.

He left that master because he was not the strongest of all.

 3. Who did he choose next?

A. Next, he chose the bear as his master.

 4. Why did he serve the Lion for a long time?

A.He served him for a long time because he felt safe and secure with him. He had a good life there.

 5. Who did he finally choose as his master and why?

A. He finally chose man as his master because he found him to be the strongest.

B. A summary of the story is given below.

Fill in the blanks to complete it taking appropriate phrases from the box.

a dog

stronger than anyone else

the strongest of all

a wolf

the bear

afraid of man

his own master

a lion

This is the story of —–––––—————————–, who

used to be ——————————————. He decided

to find a master —–––––––———————. First

he found ————————————, but the wolf

was afraid of –––————––———————. The dog thought that

the bear was —————————————. After some time the

dog met —————————————, who seemed to be the strongest.

He stayed with the lion for a long time. One day he realised that

the lion was ———————––—————— . To this day, the dog remains man’s best friend.

Answers : a dog, his own master, stronger than anyone else, a wolf, the Bear, the strongest of all, a lion, afraid of man

Grammar exercises

Each word in the box given below indicates a large number of…

For example,‘a herd of cows’ refers to many cows.

Complete each of the following phrases with a suitable word given in blue.

school, fleet, brood, bundle, bunch, pack, flock, herd

1. a —————––—— of ships 5. a ———––———— of sticks

2. a ——————––— of flowers 6. a ——––————— of sheep

3. a ——————––— of chicks 7. a —––—————— of fish

4. a ———————–– of cattle 8. a ––——————— of wolves


Make nouns from the words given below by adding –ness or – ity. (For some words we need to add just –ty, or –y.)

1. honest ————————— 7. creative ———————————--

2. kind —————————— 8. sincere ———————————--

3. cruel —————————— 9. cheerful ——————————

4. calm —————————— 10. bitter ———————————---

5. sad ——————————— 11. sensitive——————————-

6. active —————————---- 12. great ———————————----

A.1. honest -Honesty 7. creative -creativity

2. kind -kindness 8. sincere -sincerity

3. Cruel- cruelty 9. cheerful -cheerfulness

4. Calm- calmness 10. bitter-bitterness

5. Sad- sadness 11. sensitive-sensitivity

6. active -activeness 12. great-greatness

1 comment:

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