Thursday, December 3, 2020

Summary & Question-answers of The Poem : 9- The Snake Trying with the concerned video

The Snake Trying Summary

In this poem, a harmless green - coloured snake tries to save itself from being hit by a person who is chasing it with a stick to kill it. The poet says that the snake is harmless even to children. People fear snakes and when they see one, they try to kill it with a stick. The snake tries to save itself and hides behind the green - coloured bushes of marshy plants growing in the water. It hides in the ripples of the water body in order to save itself. The snake disappears behind the marshy plants.

 The Snake Trying Question Answers

1. What is the snake trying to escape from?

A. The snake is trying to escape the person who is chasing it with a stick and is trying to hit it.

 2. Is it a harmful snake? What is its colour?

A. The snake is harmless. It is green in colour.

 3. The poet finds the snake beautiful. Find the words he uses to convey its beauty.

A. The words used to describe the snake are beautiful and graceful.

 4. What does the poet wish for the snake?

A. The poet wishes that the snake saves itself.

 5. Where was the snake before anyone saw it and chased it away? Where does the snake disappear?

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