Thursday, April 16, 2020

Summary & Question-answers of The Poem:1-Dust of Snow with the concerned video

Dust of Snow Summary
The short poem by Robert Frost throws light upon the unimaginable healing power of nature and tiny things. From a bad mood to ill-health, there is nothing that can’t be cured by nature. The author was experiencing one such bad day when a crow’s movement near a hemlock tree dusted snow upon him. The snow instantly makes him happier. His day gets a lot better. Thus, the supremacy of nature as a whole made him realise how petty his problem was. The fact that hemlock tree is poisonous combined with crow being the indicator of doom and fear used in the poem as the carriers of happiness in the life of narrator is ironical. The poet through these objects has tried to highlight that sometimes creatures linked with negative aspects of life can be the bringer of change and happiness. Being outdoors in nature, with all it’s unpredictability can benefit anyone, anywhere at any time.
Question-answers of the poem Dust of Snow
Q1. What is a dust of snow ? What does the poet say he has changed his mood ? How has the poet's mood changed ?
Ans: The dust of snow means the fine particles of snow. The sudden shower in the form of the dust of snow changed the poet's mind. The poet's state of mind changed from sadness to happiness. He felt refreshed and wanted to enjoy his rest of the day.
Q2. How does Frost present nature in this poem ? The following questions may help you to think of an answer.
(i) What are the birds that are usually named in poems ? Do you think crow is often mentioned in poems ? What images come to your mind when you think of a crow ?
Ans: Usually, Poets use the birds and trees which are known for their beauty, like peacock, mynah, parrot, cuckoo and trees full of fruits and beautiful flowers. But, here poet Frost has  chosen a crow, which is not often used in poems. Crow is black in colour with very harsh voice. Thinking of a crow brings very depressing images to our mind.
(ii) Again, what is a hemlock tree ? Why doesn't the poet write about more beautiful trees such as a maple, or an oak or a pine ?
Ans: A hemlock tree is a poisonous tree with small white flowers. The poet Robert Frost, didn't choose to use a maple, oak or a pine tree, he chose the hemlock tree and left all the beautiful trees to present his mood and feelings.
(iii) What do the crow and hemlock represent - joy or sorrow ? What does the dust of snow that the crow shakes off a hemlock tree stand for ?
Ans: The crow and hemlock tree represent sorrow and depression felt by the poet in this materialistic world. The dust of snow is the symbol of natural joy and energy. The dust of snow that the crow shakes off a hemlock tree means passing through the sad and depressing moments, the poet is entering the time full of joy and optimism.
Q3. Have there been times when you felt depressed and hopeless ? Have you experienced a similar moment that changed your mood that day ?
Ans: There have been innumerable times when I have felt depressed and hopeless, such moment were aroused by other's attitude and behaviour and sometimes due to my own conduct. When ever I am upset I go for a walk or try to engage in different activities.
Dust Of Snow Short Question-answers
Q1. What does the poet want to convey through the poem Dust of Snow ?
Ans: Through this poem Poet Robert Frost wants to convey that the little things in life can make huge changes in our life. The simple things we do can make all the difference and brighten a person's day.
Q2. And saved some part of a day, I had rued Explain.
Ans: The poet was feeling depressed and hopeless. So he was not in a good mood. He was standing under a hemlock tree when suddenly a crow shook dust of snow on him. This small and simple incident changed his state of mind. He realised the fact that he was wasting his time and decided to enjoy the remaining part of the day.
Q3. What difference do you find between Robert Frost and other nature poets ?
Ans: All other nature poets are known for describing the well known beautiful things. They have described the nightingale, cuckoo, snow covered mountains etc. But Robert Frost had described a crow and a hemlock tree. Secondly, poets make selection from natural things, but Robert Frost feels that every object in nature is beautiful.

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