Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Summary & Question-answers of The Chapter : 9- The Bond of Love with the concerned video

The Bond of Love Summary In English
The author gets a baby bear by chance
‘The Bond of Love’ is the story of love and friendship between a pet bear cub and the author’s wife. He got the bear cub for her by accident. Two years ago, they were passing through the sugarcane fields near Mysore. People were driving away the wild pigs from their fields. Some were shot dead and others escaped. Suddenly a sloth-bear came out of the f fields. She was panting in the hot sun.
The author dfdn’t want to shoot at her. One of his companions shot the bear on the spot. They came near the fallen animal. They saw a baby-bear riding on his mother’s back. The little bear ran around the dead body of his mother. He was making a pitiful noise. Then ‘ he ran away into a sugarcane field.
At last, the author was able to catch him The little bear struggled to free himself. He tried to scratch him with his long, hooked claws. They put him in a gunny-bag. They brought him to Bangalore. The author presented the little creature to his wife. She was really delighted. The cub was a male. She named it Bruno.
The author’s wife looked after the baby-bear like her own child. Bruno soon took to drinking milk from a bottle. He started eating and drinking a lot of things. He ate porridge, vegetables, fruit, nuts, meat, rice, eggs etc. He drank tea, milk, coffee and even beer and liquor.
They had two Alsatian dogs. The baby bear became friendly with the dogs and all the children. He enjoyed himself freely. He spent his time in playing and running into the kitchen. He also slept in their beds.
One day an accident befell him. The author had put down barium carbonate in the library. It was a poison. It was put down there to kill rats. Bruno entered the library and ate some of the poison. He suffered from a stroke of paralysis. But he dragged himself slowly to the author’s wife. He was weakening rapidly. He was vomiting and breathing heavily.
He was taken to a veterinary surgeon. 10 c.c. of anti-dote was given to him. His condition remained unchanged. Another 10 c.c. was injected. Brupo got up and enjoyed a good meal. Another time the little bear drank a gallon of old engine oil. But it had no ill-effects whatever on him.
Months rolled on. Bruno had grown in size. He had equalled the two dogs in height. He even looked bigger than them. At times, he was playful and mischievous. He was very fond of them all. Above all, he loved the author’s wife. She loved him too. She had changed his name from Bruno to Baba. The baby-bear could also do a few tricks. At her command, Baba could Nvrestle’ or “box’. He would hold a stick like a ‘gun’. But because of the tenants’ children, he had to be chained most of the time.
The author, his son and friends advised her to give Baba to the Zoo at Mysore. He had become very big. He couldn’t be kept at home. At last, she consented. A letter was written to the curator of the zoo. The zoo sent a cage from Mysore in a lorry. Baba was packed off.
But all of them missed Bruno greatly. His wife wept and was inconsolable. For a few days she would not eat anything. She wrote a number of letters to the curator of the Zoo. Even Baba was inconsolable there. He refused food too. He was well but looked thin and sad. The author stopped his wife from visiting Mysore for 3 months. She was adamant. At last, he took his wife to Bruno or Baba.
Friends had guessed that the bear would not recognise her. But the moment Baba saw her he recognised her. He cried with happiness. She ran up to him. She patted him through the bars. He stood in delight. She would not leave the cage for 3 hours. She gave him tea, cakes, ice-cream etc. At last, the ‘closing time’ came. They had to leave now.
The author’s wife wept bitterly. Baba also cried bitterly. Fven the hard curator was sad and moved. She requested him to send Baba back. He showed his helplessness. Baba was now the government property. Then, they went to the superintendent. She pleaded with tears in her eyes. The superintendent was a kind- hearted man. He consented. He also lent them a cage for transporting Baba back to Bangalore. Baba was driven into a small cage. He was hoisted on the top of the car.
At home, an island was made for Baba. It was twenty feet long and fifteen feet wide. It was surrounded by a moat. It was six feet wide and seven feet deep. A wooden box was kept for Baba to sleep in at night. Straw was placed inside to keep him warm. In a few days Baba was released in the island: He was delighted. The author’s wife spent hours sitting there. Baba sat on her lap. Baba was fifteen months old and quite heavy now.
It is the story of man’s love and friendship with a baby-bear. The baby-bear has many human qualities. He has sense of love, affection and loyalty.Thinking about the text.
II. Answer the following questions.
Question 1.
“I got him for her by accident.”
Who says this?
Who do ‘him’ and ‘her’ refer to?
What is the incident referred to here?
The author says this.
‘Him’ refers to the baby bear and ‘her’ refers to the author’s wife.
The incident refers to the catching of the baby bear.
Question 2.
“He stood on his head in delight.”
Who does ‘he’ refer to?
Why was he delighted?
‘He’ refers to the baby bear.
‘He’ was delighted to see the author’s wife after a long time.
Question 3.
“We all missed him greatly: but in a sense we were relieved.”
Who does ‘we all’ stand for?
Who did they miss?
Why did they nevertheless feel relieved?
The author, his wife and son.
They missed the baby bear.
They felt relieved because it was getting difficult to keep the baby bear at home.
III. Answer the following questions in 30 to 40 words each.
Question 1.
On two occasions Bruno ate/drank something that should not be eaten/ drunk. What happened to him on these occasions?
Bruno ate Barium Carbonate which was put to kill the rats and mice. Paralysis set in to the extent that he could not stand on his feet. Once he drank one gallon of old engine oil. But it had no ill effects whatever.
Question 2.
Was Bruno a loving and playful pet? Why, then, did he have to be sent away?
Yes, Bruno was a loving and playful pet. But he was mischievous also. The bear became very attached to the narrator’s two Alsatian dogs and the children of the tenants. Bruno had grown many times the size he was when he came. Now her name was changed to Baba. Now he was getting too big to be kept at home. So he was sent to a zoo.
Question 3.
How was the problem of what to do with Bruno finally solved?
Bruno was not feeling happy after getting separated from the narrator’s family. He was getting weak everyday. The narrator’s wife went to Mysore to meet Bruno. Bruno. After seeing his pitiful condition she decided to get Bruno back home. The narrator and his wife made special arrangement for Bumo and created all facility for him. At last Bruno was got back home in a small cage.

Summary & Question-answers of The Chapter : 7- The Open Window with the concerned video

The Open Window Summary in English

In the story, Framton Nuttel who is suffering from nervousness goes to a calm and quiet place for his treatment. He calls on a family friend there. He meets a fifteen year old girl, Vera. She is a very calm and confident girl. She tells Framton that her aunt, Mrs. Sappleton will soon come downstairs. He had with him the letters of introduction given to him by his sister. His sister told him that in the countryside, he will meet only a few people. If he feels unhappy there, his condition may deteriorate.

Vera asked him whether he knows many people there. He replied to her that he did not know anybody here. His sister who visited the place four years back gave him letters of introduction to some of the people. He said that he only knew her aunt’s name and address.

Vera told him that about three years ago, her aunt’s husband and two brothers have gone out for shooting. She pointed to a large window that opened in the lawn. She told him that they had all gone out through that window and never returned. The wet spongy ground swallowed them and also their bodies were never recovered.

She further said that Mrs. Sappleton always keeps this window open until it is dark in the hope that they would come back someday. Sometimes, Vera also feels that someday they will come through that window along with their dog as they did before.

In the meantime, Mrs. Sappleton came and apologized for being late. She said that her husband and brothers had gone for shooting birds. She told Nuttel that she had kept the window open for them to enter  the house so that they do not spoil the carpet with their muddy shoes.

Nuttel tried to change the topic but she continued talking about shooting and shortage of birds. He realized that her eyes were directed to the window and lawn and was paying only a little attention to him. Suddenly she looked towards the window and cried that they were on time for tea. Framton shivered with fear and turned towards Vera to express sympathy. But she was looking through the window with horror in her eyes.

He swung in his chair and looked towards the window. He saw three figures carrying guns walking across the lawn towards the window. A brown coloured dog was with them. Nuttel hastily came out from there. The man came in through the window and asked Mrs. Sappleton who rushed out of the house. She said that he was Nuttel who talked only about his illness. He ran as if he saw some ghosts.

However, Vera said that he was afraid of dogs as once a group of dogs chased him into a graveyard. He spent a night in a newly dug grave and the dogs started growling all around him.

Comprehension Check (Page 57)


Why had Framton Nuttel come to the “rural retreat”?

Why had his sister given him letters of introduction to people living there?

What had happened in the Sappleton family as narrated by the niece?


Framton Nuttel was suffering from some nervous disorder and worry. So he decided to spend a few days in some village and relax in peace.

His sister knew that Framton would meet very few people in the countryside. He would feel lonely and bored. His condition could grow worse. So she gave him let­ters of introduction to all people she knew there. One was addressed to Mrs. Sappleton.

The niece played a practical joke on Sappleton when she came to know that he was a total stranger. She said that her aunt’s husband, two brothers and a dog had gone for hunting through the window three years ago. They never returned. But the aunt was still hoping to see them back through the open window.

Comprehension Check (Page 60)


What did Mrs Sappleton say about the open window?

The horror on the girl’s face made Framton swing around in his seat. What did he see?


Mrs Sappleton said that her husband and brothers would be entering the house any time. The window was kept open till it was dark. They would enter through the open window

Framton swung around to know the reason for the girl’s horror. Soon he saw three figures coming towards the window.

Comprehension Check (Page 61)


Why did Framton rush out wildly?

What was the girl’s explanation for his lightning exit?


The niece had told Nuttel that her aunt’s husband and brothers had been missing, for three years. When Framton saw them coming, he thought they were ghosts. So he rushed out wildly in fear.

The girl explained that Framton had a bitter experience of the dogs. So he made a sudden exit on seeing the dog.

Exercise (Page 61)

Discuss in Small group

Question 1:

Is this a mystery story? Give a reason for your answer.


The open window is not truly a mystery story. It shows the fertile imagination of a young girl. She plays a practical joke on Framton and tells a cooked up story. Poor Framton falls a prey to her prank and runs out of the house hurriedly.

Question 2:

You are familiar with the ‘irony’ of the situation in a story. (Remember the cop and the Anthem in Class VII Supplementary Reader!) Which situations in The Open Window’ are good examples of the use of irony?


“Irony’ refers to the contrast between what is intended or expected and what actually occurs. The open window has irony of situation. Poor Framton goes to countryside for rest and relief from his nervousness. But Mrs Sappleton’s niece plays such a joke that he suddenly rushes out. He mistakes Mrs sappleton’s husband and brother as their ghosts.

Question 3:

Which phrases/sentences in the text do you find difficult to understand? Select a few and guess the meaning of each. Rewrite a simple paraphrase of each.


Came into the nice division – The category of nice people.

Masculine habitation. – The room seemed to suggest that there lived some male persons there.

“Bertie, why do you bound? – Bound means ‘jump’. But here it means a person whose behaviour is unpleasant to other people.

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Summary & Question-answers of The Chapter : 8- Fire: Friend and Foe with the concerned video

Fire: Friend and Foe Summary In English

Soul of the Chapter

Early Man and Fire
Early man must have found fire to be dangerous and frightening. Fire must have been a mystery for an early man but it is known today that it is a result of chemical reaction. When oxygen present in air combines with carbon and hydrogen present in a fuel, energy is released in form of heat and light and this is what fire is. To make fire fuel, heat and oxygen is needed. Wood, coal, gas are fuel, oxygen is available in air. But to cause fire heat is essential. A piece of paper doesn’t catch fire until that is supplied to it. Every fuel burns at a particular temperature which is also called ‘flash point or kindling temperature.

Fire : A Friend and a Dangerous Enemy
Fire is a boon if it is kept under control but can be dangerous if it goes out of it. It is used in our house daily for cooking food, burning candles and so on, but if it goes out of control it can cause damage to life, houses and even forests. Fire can be controlled by taking away any three of the things required for burning it. It can be stopped immediately by taking away the fuel.

It can also be controlled by cutting the oxygen supply, for this many a times blankets are thrown over burning objects. Another way is to reduce the flash temperature; this can be done by spraying water which lowers down the temperature. However, water cannot be used to put out on electrical fires or an oil fire. Carbon dioxide extinguisher is the best way to control electrical fire.

Earlier people used to form human chains and pass buckets of water from ponds or wells to the blaze. These days, there are trained personnel to handle this. The trained team of firefighters is called fire brigade. They are skilled people to handle all kind of fire. They have the knowledge of first-aid as well and are able to provide immediate help to people suffering from burn injuries or from the effect of the smoke. Discovery of fire has been a great boon to mankind. Fire is worshipped as God in many cultures around the globe. It is a dear friend if can be used properly, but can turn dangerous if it goes out of control.Comprehension Check

Question 1:

Mark the correct answer in each of the following.

Early mart was frightened of

(a) lightening and volcanoes.

(b) the damage caused by them.

(c) fire.

(a) Fire is energy.

(b) Fire is heat and light.

(c) Fire is the result of chemical reaction.


(c) fire 

Question 2:

From the boxes given below choose the one with the correct order of the following sentences.

(i) That is fire.

(ii) A chemical reaction takes place.

(iii) Energy in the form of heat and light is released. .

(iv) Oxygen combines with carbon and hydrogen.

(i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (ii) (iii) (i) (iv)

(iii) (iii) (ii) (i) (iv) (ii) (iii) (i)


(iv) (ii) (iii) (i)

Working with the Text

Answer the following questions.

Question 1:

What do you understand by the ‘flash point’ of a fuel?


Every fuel catches fire at a particular temperature. This temperature is called the ‘flash point’ of a fuel.

Question 2:

What are some common uses of fire?

In what sense is it a ‘bad master’?


Fire is used in cooking, to keep our homes warm during winter. Fire is also used to produce electricity.

If fire goes out of control, it can cause damage to our life, house and property. It is ‘bad master’ in this sense.

Question 3.

What are the three main ways in which a fire can be controlled or put out?


Fire can be put out by taking away the fuel, stopping the supply of oxygen or by lowering down the temperature around the fuel, so that the fuel is not able to attain its flash point.

Monday, November 2, 2020

Summary & Question-answers of The Chapter : 8- A Short Monsoon Diary with the concerned video

A Short Monsoon Diary Summary in English

In this chapter are the extracts from the diary of the famous author and nature lover Ruskin Bond. The author describes the flora and fauna during the monsoon in Mussoorie. He wrote these experiences day-wise.

24th June is the first day of the monsoon mist. The mist has covered the hills and also quietened the birds. He can hear Bijju calling his sister and feel that he is running. However, due to mist, he is unable to see Bijju. The author says that the mist has changed the Mussoorie hills in two ways. Firstly, one can not see the hills and secondly can not hear the birds chirping.

On 25th June, the rain is warm and humid and is thus comfortable, unlike the winter rain. The flowers are blooming. He describes the hill station as ‘A Paradise that might have been’.

On 27th June, one can see leeches appearing due to the monsoon. A leopard was also seen stealing dogs and other animals. Some new birds like minivets can also be seen. Minivets are bright coloured birds and sit silently among the leaves. One can also see some seasonal flowers blooming.

It’s 2nd August and has rained all night. The sound of the rain on the tin roof delights him. He feels he is untouched yet is in touch with the rain.

On 3rd August, the rain stops and there is sunshine. Animals, birds, and humans are all out in open sunshine. The author is pleased to hear a song of a whistling thrush coming from a distance.

On 12th August he writes that it is been raining non-stop for more than a week. Everything is damp but not cold. Flowers have covered the hills. If one needs to go out, he needs to carry an umbrella.

It’s 31st August and monsoon growth can be seen everywhere. The seeds of the cobra lily are becoming red which is an indication that the rains are coming to an end. Snakes and rodents have taken shelter in attics, roofs, and godowns as the holes are full of rainwater.

It’s on the 3rd of October. This year the monsoon was much longer than usual. Usually, it starts in the last week of June and continues until the end of August. Now, the winter rain has begun.

On 26th January, the author wrote a poem about winter rain. He says that the winter rain makes him feel lonely as a friend who was staying with him has left. He also says that there are no flowers in winter rain as there were in monsoon rains.

It’s 23rd March and is the end of winter. One can see a rainbow in the clear sky after a hailstorm.

Page No 115:

Question 1:

Why is the author not able to see Bijju?


The author was not able to see Bijju because of the mist that had covered the surroundings.

Page No 115:

Question 2:

What are the two ways in which the hills appear to change when the mist comes up?


When the mist comes up, the birds fall silent. The mist covers the hills. The forest becomes deathly still as though it were midnight.

Page No 117:

Question 1:

When does the monsoon begin and when does it end? How do you prepare to face the monsoon?


The monsoon begins in June and ends by the end of August.

Page No 117:

Question 2:

Which hill-station does the author describe in this dairy entry?


The author has described Mussoorie in the diary entry.

Page No 117:

Question 3:

For how many days does it rain without stopping? What does the author do on these days?


It rained without stopping for eight or nine days. Since there was nowhere to go, the author paced in his room and looked out of the window at a few bobbing umbrellas.

Page No 117:

Question 4:

Where do the snakes and rodents take shelter? Why?


The snakes and rodents take shelter in roofs, attics, and godowns because they are flooded out of their holes and burrows due to excessive rain.

Page No 117:

Question 5:

What did the author receive in the mail?


The author received a cheque in the mail.

Page No 118:

Question 1:

Look carefully at the dairy entries for June 24-25, August 2 and March 23. Now write down the changes that happen as the rains progress from June to March.


June 24 was the first day of monsoon mist. All the birds fell silent as the mist climbed up the hills. The author calls the mist melancholy because not only does it conceal the hills, it blankets them in silence too. On June 25, there was some genuine early monsoon rain. It was warm and humid, contrary to the cold high-altitude weather that the author had been experiencing all year. It seemed to the author that the plants knew it too, and the first cobra lily reared its head from the ferns. He described the weather as ‘a paradise that might have been’. On August 2, it rained all night. There had been no storm or thunder. The author experienced a feeling of “being untouched by, and yet in touch with, the rain”. March 23 marked the end of winter. The blackest cloud he had ever seen spread over Mussoorie and then it hailed marbles for half an hour. The hailstorm cleared the sky and he saw a rainbow forming.

Page No 118:

Question 2:

Why did the grandmother ask the children not to kill the Chuchundar?


The grandmother asked the children not to kill the Chuchundar because it was considered lucky. She said that it brought money.

Page No 118:

Question 3:

What signs do we find in Nature which show that the monsoons are about to end?


The seeds of the cobra lily turning red signified that the monsoons were about to end.

Winter Break Homework for Class 10A & 10B (English) 2024-25

1. Read & revise all the chapters taken up in the class & prepare all question-answers.  2. Write an email to the Principal of your ...